Friday, June 25, 2010

Thanks Mr. Seagal

When I was fourteen, my mother left for Phoenix on business. It was during that weekend that my father said to my brother and I "Alright, tonight we're watching a Steven Seagal movie." This was not my first rated R movie (that was "Terminator" several years prior), but it was to be my first rated R movie with my dad.

While many will argue that "Under Siege" does not carry the same creative weight as "The English Patient," or "Gremlins" for that matter, I maintain that "Under Siege" is one of Seagal's finest. Something about the entire male contingent of my nuclear family watching a chef kill special forces terrorists awoke my id. My primal self reached through my brain and imprinted a singular desire that I have not shaken in the 18 years I have lived since that faithful day.

I want to get riddled with bullets.

A lot of bullets.

Not for real, of course (I have a wife and 7 month old, and I don't think our insurance policy will pay out if I request a murder), I mean in an action movie. I'm not picky. I don't need a big dramatic goodbye or a closeup as my last breath slips past my lips. I don't need some starlet weeping at my loss or a general banging a desk. I just want to experience the countless squibs exploding all over me, while giving the audience the most entertaining reaction I can muster.

So, why the blog? Well, I don't really know much about this stuff. I'm not a stuntman. Hell, I don't even consider myself an actor (I did some improv comedy and some 48 film festivals, that's about it.) So I thought I'd use it as a means to chronicle my research in making this work.

The blog's also going to keep me honest. If I have to write down something for you all, then I'll have to keep moving forward.

So. There's the where it all come from, if I can just figure out where I'm going....

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